
The December issue of the scholarly journal Urbani izziv

Slika: The December issue of the scholarly journal Urbani izziv
0 11370

The December issue of the scholarly journal Urbani izziv

volume 28, number 2.


The December issue of the scholarly journal Urbani izziv, volume 28, number 2, was just published. The journal brings you six articles and a book review. 
All articles are freely accessible at:

We wish you a pleasant reading!

'Doma Kultury'

Slika: 'Doma Kultury'
0 17507

'Doma Kultury'

Regeneration of Soviet socio-cultural centres into new urban nodes

Library of Urban Planning Institute of Republic of Slovenia,
Tuesday November 28th 2017 at 5PM, lecture in English and free of charge

Irina Irbitskaya, Center of Urban Competence, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Admin.

The transformation of the socio-cultural infrastructure erected in the state-socialist period of the Soviet Union into local activity centers corresponding to the needs of contemporary society is one of the pertinent topics of the current urban planning in Russia. It includes various activities such as turning the excluded territories of schools and kindergartens into neighborhood centers; resetting the entire district life by transformation of the ‘doma kultury’; improving the diversity and the quality of social services and the quality of the urban environment while reducing the load on the municipal budget by attracting quality investment into the districts. The lecture will present a method of evolutionary transformation of the urban environment through the social and spatial transformation of a ‘dom kultury’ which initially was the cultural and educational centre provided by the Soviet state to a settlement or a city. The main goal of the proposed approach is to preserve the traditions kept in the territory of ‘dom kultury’ while giving it a new identity and bringing in an innovation. Irbitskaya will explain how to make an inventory of the traditions around the existing object by describing the way it functions, its relationship with the surrounding space, its attitude to the past and the future. Re-programming of the object will be discussed, as well as the tools to expand it spatially. Financial and management models will be proposed for all phases of the project metabolism (launch, implementation, use and adaptation), explaining how the emphases shift depending on the growth or decline of the economy.

Irina Irbitskaya is an architect and urban planner. She is a director of Center of Urban Competence at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) with the expertise in housing projects and urban development and planning advancement. She is a co-funder and a principal architect of Platforma, a strategic consulting and conceptual spatial and architectural design office.

You are kindly invited to the lecture and the discussion that will follow.
More info at

Human cities exhibition

Slika: Human cities exhibition
0 10765

Human cities exhibition

Public spaces for local life / Shared values in diverse urban communities as a basis for participatory provision of local public spaces

17. July – 30. September 2017

Library of the Urban planning institut of the RS, Trnovski pristan 2, Ljubljana 

The Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia in collaboration with the partners of the European project Humana Cities: Challenge of the City Scale (Creative Europe 2014-2020) invites you to visit a traveling exhibition that represents one of the eight so called »growing/work in progress« exhibitions. They are created in the period 2015-2018 and have been / will be on display in eight European cities. The exhibition in Ljubljana discusses the issue of participatory provision of urban local public space. It includes an overview of good practices of local civil initiatives from European partner cities. The full review is available in the online archive at Ljubljana exhibition exposes selected examples through so called Shared values ​​of Human cities that enrich and ensure the quality of living in the public space. A special emphasis is placed on the values ​​shared by the inhabitants and other users of local environments that connect them in their efforts for better urban public spaces.

World Art Nouveau Day

Slika: World Art Nouveau Day
0 13758

World Art Nouveau Day

10. July 2017

In 2013, the 10th of June was selected as World Art Nouveau Day, being the day on wich both Antonio Gaudi and Ödön Lechner died – two charismatic architects of the movement, from two different corners of Europe. Since then, every year, we celebrate Art Nouveau on the 10th of June. Organisations from all over the world participate with exhibitions, photo competitions, lectures, walks etc....

Follow this Facebook Event now so you can keep up with all the activities planned in 2017

Slovenian knowledge rewarded with 700 thousand euros

Slika: Slovenian knowledge rewarded with 700 thousand euros
0 10732

Slovenian knowledge rewarded with 700 thousand euros

Post on the SiolNET website.

February 2, 2017

SiolNET web page.



Urban Planning institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Trnovski pristan 2
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00
  + 386 (0)1 420 13 10


Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00
Tuesdays also: 15.00 – 17.00
Summer, July–August:
Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00 ext. 31


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