
Research areas

Spatial Planning Research Programme

The Spatial Planning Research Programme, funded by the Slovenian Research Agency, was established at UIRS in 1999. It is presently coordinated by dr. Barbara Goličnik Marušić.

Research programme Spatial planning 2018 - 2024 is a R&D core of the Institute.

Key scientific issues are:

  • Smart cities and communities, emphasising interpretation and implementation of contemporary paradigms and approaches such as exosystemic approach (EsA) and nature based solutions (NBS), and development of ICT applications and GIS-supported tools for monitoring, simulations and valuations of cities and communities
  • Sustainable development, emphasising low carbon society, adaptation to climate changes considering efficient organisation of uses, use of natural resources, efficient energy, and synchronised and coherent planning and development of other systems, holders of quality of living, especially green infrastructure (GI) and mobility systems
  • Quality of living in inclusive and safe communities based on development and implementation of spatial demography which considers structural, cultural and socio-economic interrelations in territories; and housing provision as a factor of quality of life and wellbeing

In accordance with EU development programs, research issues (H2020), objectives of international (UNEP, 2015), European (UA-EU, EC, 2016; Transition towards sustainable and liveable urban futures-JPI Urban Europe, 2015; BS, EC, 2011) and national (SPRS 2, v pripravi, MOP, 2017; SRS, MGRT, 2013) directives, research and development within the research programme Spatial planning will focus on four interrelated topics:

  • Evaluation of contemporary development paradigms and directions due to find out their applicable value in the processes of spatial planning
  • Mobility and low carbon society
  • Spatial demography, migration, social innovation, and challenges in housing provision
  • Development of methods and tools for planning process implementation as well as survey of state, changes, and simulations of spatial development. 

Link to Sicris portal

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) centre Infrastructure Programme

The GIS centre of the UIRS provides infrastructural support for basic, developmental and applicative research in the area of urban planning and related disciplines. The centre is presently led by Boštjan Cotič

The basic areas of support are:

Simulation infrastructure. The core unit of the GIS centre is the laboratory for performing urban simulations at the macro, mezzo and micro levels in the areas of urban planning, regional planning, land policy, environmental protection, cultural heritage preservation.

The technical infrastructure for the GIS area comprises the maintenance of geographical information systems and other design tools required for the execution of research programmes, the initiation of the use of modern information technologies, in connection with e-administration and e-European projects, as well as for purposes of educating and providing advice to researchers in this area.

The data management infrastructure deals with the gathering, processing and presentation of data in a form and manner that enables their direct use for monitoring urban development, performing situation and development tendencies analyses, investigating basic spatial paradigms and assessing the potential impacts and consequences of proposed spatial development measures.

Information and Documentation Centre provides support to the GIS Centre by maintaining and distributing the acquired data bases.

Educational Infrastructure provides training in Autodesk GIS, ESRI GIS systems and other applicative soft-ware developed or used by the Centre.


Urban Planning institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Trnovski pristan 2
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00
  + 386 (0)1 420 13 10


Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00
Tuesdays also: 15.00 – 17.00
Summer, July–August:
Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00 ext. 31


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