
Urban Dictionary

Breda Mihelič, Marjeta Humar in Matej Nikšič

Publisher: Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije, ZRC SAZU - 2015

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The urban terminology dictionary is the explanatory, normative and translation dictionary of the modern Slovenian urban expression, made based on Slovenian material. It covers 2150 glossary passages from the field of urbanism and related disciplines (architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, urban history, utilities, geodesy, demography, agriculture and forestry, cultural and natural heritage, legislation, geography, sociology, anthropology, informatics, housing, transport, urban economies, renovations, environmental protection) with explanations and English equivalents. The dictionary is equipped with drawings and photographs, which explain the particular, especially difficult, explainable passwords. It is also supplemented by an extensive list of used literature and review of urban planning legislation. The aim of the dictionary is to fill the gap in our professional terminology in the field of urbanism and contribute to the unification of terminology in legislation, planning and professional literature. The dictionary is intended for architects, urbanists and experts who are in any way connected with the urban profession, architect and urban planner, municipal and administrative services responsible for spatial and urban issues, as well as students and the general public. The price in regular sale is 34 € (VAT included).

Preface prof. dr. Andrej Pogačnik and prof. dr. Ivan Marušič
Funding sources Urban Planning Institute of Republic of Slovenia
Collection Slovarji
Editor of the collection: Marko Snoj​​
Collection Urban Challenge​ – publications​
Editor of the collection:​ Boštjan Kerbler
Urbanistični terminološki slovar © 2015, ZRC SAZU, Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije​
Editors and main authors: Breda Mihelič, Marjeta Humar in Matej Nikšič​
Authors for individual fields:​ Boštjan Cotič, Barbara Černič Mali, Damjana Gantar, Barbara Goličnik Marušić, Nina Goršič, Andrej Gulič, Marjeta Humar, Boštjan Kerbler, Naja Marot, Breda Mihelič, Luka Mladenovič, Sabina Mujkić, Barbara Mušič, Matej Nikšič, Sergeja Praper Gulič, Lea Ružić, Richard Sendi, Vesna Slabe, Mojmir Slaček, Mojca Šašek Divjak, Ina Šuklje Erjavec, Nataša Viršek Ravbar, Vlasta Vodeb, Franc Zakrajšek
English Equivalents: Avtorji in Ivan Stanič
Overview of English equivalents: Mitja Trojar
Reviewers: Ivan Marušič in Andrej Pogačnik
Reviewers for individual areas: Danijel Boldin, Vlasta Cvar, Andrej Černigoj, Saša Galonja, Pavel Gantar, Mojca Golobič, Lojze Gosar, Milena Hazler Papič, Joška Hegler, Ljubo Lah, Ivo Lavrač, Marjan Lipoglavšek, Srna Mandić, Matej Ogrin, Jelka Pirkovič, Renata Resnik, Ivan Stanič, Andrej Udovč, Domen Zupančič
Terminographic overview: Tanja Fajfar, Mateja Jemec Tomazin, Mitja Trojar, Mojca Žagar Karer​
Terminographic processing and data entry with computer application SlovarRed 2.1 Tomaža Seliškarja and Borislave Košmrlj Levačič: Marija Djurović in Karmen Nemec
Editing literature and sources: Alenka Porenta in Vesna Slabe
Illustrations: Urša Križman in Damjana Zaviršek Hudnik
Sources of photos: Arhiv Urbanističnega inštituta Republike Slovenije in Wikimedia Commons
Axonometric drawing on the cover: Evita Lukež
Design cover - concept: Dušan Grobovšek, Idejološka ordinacija
Cover design: Nina Goršič in Biba Tominc
DTP: Simon Atelšek in Igor Bizjak
Publishers: Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije, zanj Breda Mihelič in Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, zanj Marko Snoj
Publishers: Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije, zanj Breda Mihelič in Založba ZRC SAZU, zanjo Oto Luthar, glavni urednik Aleš Pogačnik
Print: Garmond, d.o.o.
Print run: 500 copies​
First edition, first print
Link to on-line Dictionry


Urban Planning institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Trnovski pristan 2
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00
  + 386 (0)1 420 13 10


Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00
Tuesdays also: 15.00 – 17.00
Summer, July–August:
Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00 ext. 31


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