Launch of the “AlpPlan” alpine spatial planning network
Print  / Vesna Slabe 19691
/ Categories: Novice

Launch of the “AlpPlan” alpine spatial planning network

The OpenSpaceAlps project and the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) join forces to support transnational cooperation in spatial planning

The Alpine region is characterised by successful collaboration in numerous cooperation platforms. There is, though, still too little coordination between states and regions in spatial planning. This is considered crucial for tackling alpine cross-border challenges, such as ensuring ecological connectivity or managing traffic. To facilitate exchange with key stakeholders in the Alpine area, the OpenSpaceAlps project is collaborating with the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) to jointly establish a spatial planning network: the “AlpPlan network”.

The network addresses experts, planners and decision-makers at all administrative levels as well as interested stakeholders from the private sector. The aim of the network is to facilitate the transnational exchange of experience on planning practices and instruments and thus to contribute to the enhancement of spatial planning in the Alpine region.

AlpPlan network kick-off meeting yields promising results

The kick-off meeting of the AlpPlan network took place as an online conference on 29/10/2020. Representatives from the planning practice, ministries and academia discussed the issue of safeguarding open spaces and the future orientation of the network. The discussants agreed that the network must work in close contact with the existing cooperation formats, such as the working groups of the Alpine Convention and EUSALP. As a main benefit of the network, the participants stressed the opportunity to work together on the concrete local and regional implementation of higher-level spatial planning strategies and objectives.

Join the upcoming activities

In 2021, the network is going to host a thematic conference as well as a special capacity-building seminar. In a Memorandum of Cooperation which is being prepared the future members will agree on objectives and working procedures of the network. Moreover, an online platform and a central contact point at ARL will facilitate communication within the network.

We look forward to your participation in the AlpPlan network activities!

For more information and invitations to events please visit the OpenSpaceAlps project website and subscribe to the AlpPlan network newsletter.

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