Using the UIRS Library from 4. 5. 2020 on
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Using the UIRS Library from 4. 5. 2020 on

You can order library's material through web service My Library or by email

When we prepare the material we will notify you. 

You can order max 5 different material. You can become a member of our library online. The membership is free.

If you can't come for the library's material personally we can send it to you by post. The postal costs will be paid by the user.

Currenty you can't yet return the library's material. The loan period of library's material is beeing renewed automatically.

For more information write to us or call us 031 581 528.

Stay healthy!

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Urban Planning institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Trnovski pristan 2
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00
  + 386 (0)1 420 13 10


Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00
Tuesdays also: 15.00 – 17.00
Summer, July–August:
Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00 ext. 31


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