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Urban Vertical Green 2.0 - ARRS

Vertical greening for liveable cities - co-create innovation for the breakthrough of an old concept

EU Program / Principal / Funder etc.:
JPI Urban Europe

Project lifespan:
2018 - 2021

Web page

About project:

The project fosters transformation of cities to sustainable, resilient spaces by re-thinking, redesigning and re-managing vertical greening as progressive food-water-energy nexuses.
Verical greening is interpreted and designed as a biological-technical system in an architectural context with a substantial capacity to implement ecosystem services like passive cooling, flood alleviation, bioenergy and possibly food production, biodiversity, noise reduction and could be consistently installed as a part of built environment especially in dense city districts. In order to unfold the full potential of VG, three focal governance and management aspects will be approached for the mid-latitude partner cities (Berlin, Vienna and Ljubljana) in alliance with stakeholders:
1) integration of vertical green at building and district scales with habitat, water, heat and energy management,
2) technological innovation for maintenance and automated harvesting machinery and
3) adaptation of design strategies and governance for a secure, city-integrated cultivation and operation. 
Using a trans-disciplinary, stakeholder-oriented co-creation approach, we intend to re-think traditional urban greening and will combine innovations and fundamental research from urban planning and design, ecohydrology, mechanical engineering, water engineering and economy to enable decision-making using a nexus approach considering both co-benefits and trade-offs of nature-based solutions for the cities of the future.

Project leader:

 Damjana Gantar  
+386 (0)1 420 13 00 int. 47


Urban Planning institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Trnovski pristan 2
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00
  + 386 (0)1 420 13 10


Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00
Tuesdays also: 15.00 – 17.00
Summer, July–August:
Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00 ext. 31


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