Going Out for Health - Promoting Green Space Planning Guidelines for Active Lifestyle among Stakeholders at Local Level
CONNECTING NATURE Coproduction with nature for city transitioning, innovation and governance
Environmental effects and karst water sources: impacts, vulnerability and adaptation of land use
Development of process and proceedures of integral maritime spatial planning
Urban Planning institute of the Republic of Slovenia Trnovski pristan 2 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
+ 386 (0)1 420 13 00 + 386 (0)1 420 13 10 info@uirs.si @UrbanInstitut UIRS
Open: Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00 Tuesdays also: 15.00 – 17.00 Summer, July–August: Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00 + 386 (0)1 420 13 00 ext. 31 knjiznica@uirs.si
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